Minggu, 29 November 2009

Hubungan Rahasia Indonesia - Israel

Blog Entry

Pemerintah boleh bilang tidak memiliki hubungan diplomatik dengan Israel. Tapi fakta di lapangan, menunjukkan hal yang sebaliknya. Pemerintah RI dan Israel justru membina hubungan baik dengan Israel. Sebuah pengkhianatan?

Hubungan 'mesra' Indonesia-Israel dimulai sejak pemerintahan Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur. Tahun 1999, Gus Dur merencanakan untuk membuka kembali hubungan perdagangan dengan negeri penjajah itu, yang telah terputus sejak tahun 1967. Rencana itu pun diwujudkan oleh Menteri Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan pada tahun 2001. Menteri ini menandatangani Surat Keputusan Menperindag No.23/MPP/01/2001 tertanggal 10 Januari 2001 yang melegalkan hubungan dagang antara RI dengan Zionis-Israel.

Kemesraan itu pun terus berlanjut pada masa pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). Pada 13 September 2005, Menteri Luar Negeri Hassan Wirayudha bertemu dengan Menlu Israel, Silvan Shalom, di New York, AS. Hassan mengaku pertemuan itu tidak membahas pemulihan hubungan diplomatik. "Kami tidak bicara masalah hubungan diplomatik. Israel sangat tahu posisi Indonesia seperti apa," katanya. Saat itu pemberitaan di sejumlah media massa asing ramai menyiarkan keinginan Israel untuk membangun hubungan diplomatik dengan Indonesia. Menurut media asing itu, Jerusalem (Israel) telah mengirimkan surat tentang hal itu kepada Jakarta.

Fakta itu sempat membuat SBY kelimpungan. Dengan gerakan tangan dan bahasa tubuh khas, SBY, berkata, “Tidak ada yang gelap, karena, sekali lagi, kita ingin membantu perjuangan bangsa dan rakyat Palestina,” ujar SBY di kantor Perwakilan Tetap Republik Indonesia di New York waktu itu. Sayang jawaban itu tak bisa memberikan makna apa-apa dari pertemuan rahasia tersebut. Sejak itu hubungan kedua negara makin intensif. Memang hubungan ini tidak dijalankan oleh para eksekutif/pejabat negara tapi oleh para pengusaha. Tahun 2006 lalu misalnya, sebuah misi dagang Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia berkun-jung ke Israel. Saat itu Ketua Kadin Indonesia Mohammad Hidayat menan-datangani perjanjian ekonomi kedua negara. ''Indonesia bisa menjadi pasar utama bagi ekspor barang-barang Israel ke Asia Tenggara,'' kata Presiden Israel Manufacturers Association, Shraga Brosh dalam acara itu. Sedangkan Hidayat mengatakan kerja sama ini bisa membantu perusahaan-perusahaan Israel untuk melakukan kegiatan di Indonesia.

Kunjungan ini sekaligus menegaskan bahwa telah terjalin kontak yang intensif antara kedua negara di sektor perdagangan. Lihat saja data volume data volume perdagangan Indonesia-Israel selama tahun 2005 mencapai 154 juta dolar. Dari nilai ini, Israel hanya mengekspor 14 juta dolar, sedang Indonesia mengekspor 140 juta dolar ke Israel terutama, terutama untuk barang elektronika, plastik, dan karet. Negara Zionis itu menargetkan volume perdagangan kedua negara bakal mencapai 600 juta dolar di tahun 2010.

Zionis mengincar berbagai proyek penting di Indonesia misalnya proyek pembangunan PLT-Geothermal di Sumatera senilai 200 juta dolar yang dimenangkan oleh Ormat Technology, perusahaan engineering Israel di bidang energi geothermal. Selain itu, Indonesia menjadi sasaran pemasaran produk-produk teknologi biomedik.

Seorang dokter bedah Indonesia yang sering bepergian ke medan konflik di seluruh dunia seperti Afghanistan, Irak, Lebanon, Palestina, Somalia, dan lain-lain mengungkapkan banyak peralatan ICU yang ada di rumah-rumah sakit besar di negeri ini dibeli dari Israel. Dalam kaitan itu, lanjutnya, pemerintah Indonesia telah mengirimkan tenaga-tenaga medis Indonesia ke sana untuk pelatihan ICU (Intensive Care Unit). Menurutnya, seperti dikutip eramuslim, rumah-rumah sakit besar yang ada di Indonesia, terutama di Jakarta dan kota-kota besar lainnya, sudah lazim mengirim tenaga-tenaga medisnya untuk mendapat pelatihan ICU di Israel.

Selain dunia medis, menurut data yang didapatkan situs tersebut, TNI juga telah melakukan pembelian sejumlah senjata api jenis senapan sniper seperti Galil-Galatz keluaran Israeli Military Industries (IMI) beberapa tahun lalu. Kasus ini pernah mengemuka dan menjadi perdebatan publik beberapa waktu lalu namun isunya menguap begitu saja seiring berjalannya waktu.

Bahkan, menurut Jenderal (Pur) Soemitro dalam memoarnya berjudul, ''Soemitro dari Pangdam Mulawarman sampai Pangkopkaptib,'' menegaskan hubungan yang harmonis antara intelijen Israel, Mossad, dan TNI. Ia menulis: ''David, Raviv, dan Yosi Melman dalam buku mereka Every Spy Prince menulis bahwa Indonesia pernah mengadakan hubungan dengan Mossad. Katanya, Mossad mengirimkan utusan, satu tim dari posnya di Singapura ke Jakarta lalu mengadakan pembicaraan yang berbuah: Pihak Israel menyeleng-garakan latihan buat tentara Indonesia dan intelijennya. Mossad, katanya, telah menganggap pilihan yang bagus, dan intelijen Israel membuka perwakilan-nya di Jakarta dengan 'berwajah dagang'. Indonesia mengirimkan tenaganya ke Israel untuk mendapatkan pelatihan di sana. Saya sendiri tidak pernah punya hubungan langsung dengan pihak Israel, tidak pernah. Paling-paling, saya ingat, saya pernah datang ke Jl Tosari (kalau tidak salah) memenuhi undangan mata rantai Israel yang ada di Jakarta. Yang saya benar-kan waktu itu mengdakan hubungan dengan Israel, dan itu sehubungan dengan penumpasan PKI, adalah intelijen kita. Dalam hal ini Pak Sutopo Yuwono, Pak Kharis Suhud, dan Nicklany. Tiga orang ini yang saya izinkan. Kami mengadakan hubungan dengan Mossad dan dengan MI-6 (Inggris). Kedua-duanya amat peka mengenai masalah komunis. Amerika (CIA) kalah dalam hal ini. Apalagi setelah terjadinya Water-gate. Hancur intelijen Amerika waktu itu. Kerja sama Indonesia waktu itu dengan intelijen itu (Mossad dan MI-6) adalah meliputi komunisme, dan itu berjalan baik.”

Sebuah blog intelijen di internet mengungkapkan bahwa saat ini malah intelijen Israel telah masuk ke Indonesia. ''Mereka bergerak tidak dalam jumlah yang besar, tetapi sangat efektif karena beberapa agen yang telah mendapat pelatihan melalui "paket wisata rohani" sehingga bisa masuk Israel. Keberadaan beberapa agen lokal yang telah dilatih tersebut kemudian membina beberapa informan, tanpa si informan tahu untuk siapa sebenarnya dia bekerja, karena yang penting mereka menerima bayaran. Dalam pengamatan saya, jumlah agen Mossad yang aktif di Indonesia hanya sekitar 2-3 orang saja, saling bergantian dan hampir selalu berjalan minimal berdua. Pusat komunikasi dan komando tetap berada di Singapura, lagi pula mereka secara mobile bisa bermarkas di mana saja,'' tulisnya. Tujuan infiltrasi itu, menurutnya, secara umum memang ditargetkan untuk memperoleh pengaku-an atau pembukaan hubungan diploma-tik. Meski Indonesia bukan negara Islam, tetapi pengakuan keberadaan Israel sa-ngatlah penting dan strategis.

Fakta-fakta di atas menunjukkan bahwa telah ada hubungan yang 'harmo-nis' antara Indonesia dan Israel dengan bungkus di luar masalah diplomatik. Bisa perdagangan, pariwisata atau yang lainnya. Hanya saja hubungan itu disem-bunyikan karena jelas hubungan itu tidak sesuai dengan prinsip bangsa Indonesia khususnya umat Islam yang anti penja-jahan. Bagaimana pun bentuk hubungan itu tidak dapat dibenarkan.

Dalam perkembangannya, prinsip itu dikalahkan oleh mereka yang menjadikan bisnis/uang sebagai segalanya dalam hidup. Para pengkhianat bangsa seakan tak peduli lagi dengan nilai-nilai. Inilah jebakan sukses yang ditanamkan oleh kaum Zionis di negeri ini: menghalalkan segala cara!
Jejak Zionis di Indonesia

Jauh sebelum Indonesia merdeka kaum Zionis sebenarnya telah masuk ke Indonesia. Ridwan Saidi, salah tokoh yang peduli terhadap sejarah Indonesia, dalam bukunya Fakta & Data Yahudi di Indonesia II, menyatakan masuknya Zionis ke Indonesia dibawa oleh kaum Freemansonry. Mereka masuk dengan mendirikan perkumpulan teosofi pada tahun 1875 yang bernama Nederlandsch Indische Theosofische Vereeniging (Perkumpulan teosofi Hindia Belanda).

Karenanya, warga Yahudi sudah ada sejak masa kolonial Belanda, khususnya di Jakarta. Pada abad ke-19 dan 20 sampai menjelang Belanda hengkang dari Indonesia, ada sejumlah Yahudi yang membuka toko-toko di Noordwijk (kini Jl Juanda) dan Risjwijk (Jl Veteran) -- dua kawasan elite di Batavia kala itu--seperti Olislaeger, Goldenberg, Jacobson van den Berg, Ezekiel & Sons dan Goodwordh Company. Situs swaramuslim menyebutkan, sejumlah kecil pengusaha Yahudi pernah meraih sukses. Mereka adalah pedagang-pedagang tangguh yang menjual berlian, emas dan intan, perak, jam tangan, kaca mata dan berbagai komoditas lainnya. Jumlah kaum Yahudi ini ratusan. Karena mereka pandai berbahasa Arab, mereka sering dianggap keturunan Arab. Apalagi memang banyak di antara mereka yang datang dari Negara Arab karena Negara Israel belum ada. Mereka memiliki persatuan yang kuat. Setiap Sabat (hari suci umat Yahudi), mereka berkumpul bersama di Mangga Besar, yang kala itu merupakan tempat pertemuannya.

Kaum Yahudi ini umumnya memakai paspor Belanda dan mengaku sebagai warga kincir angin. Tak heran di masa kolonial, warga Yahudi ada yang mendapat posisi tinggi di pemerintahan, termasuk gubernur jenderal AWL Tjandra van Starkemborgh Stachouwer (1936-1942).

Dalam buku Jejak Freemason & Zionis di Indonesia disebutkan bahwa gedung Bappenas di Taman Surapati dulunya merupakan tempat para anggota Freemason melakukan peribadatan dan pertemuan. Mereka bernyanyi sambil membaca kitab Talmut dan Zabur, dua kitab suci mereka. Menurut Herry Nurdy, penulis buku tersebut, Gedung Bappenas di kawasan elit Menteng, dulunya bernama gedung Adhuc Stat dengan logo Freemasonry di kiri kanan atas gedung-nya, terpampang jelas ketika itu. Anggota Freemason menyebutnya sebagai loji atau rumah syetan. Disebut rumah syetan, karena dalam peribadatannya anggota gerakan ini memanggil arwah-arwah atau jin dan syetan. Dalam buku “Menteng Kota Taman Pertama di Indo-nesia” karangan Adolf Hueken, SJ, disebutkan, awalnya gedung yang kini berperan penting merencanakan pemb-angunan Indonesia itu adalah bekas loge-gebouw, tempat pertemuan mereka. Loge-gebouw atau rumah arloji sendiri adalah sebuah sinagog, tempat peribadatan kaum Yahudi. Jejak mereka juga tampak di sepanjang Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat dengan berbagai gedung pencakar langitnya. Menurut Ridwan Saidi, semasa kolonial Belanda, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat bernama Jalan Blavatsky Boulevard. Nama Blavatsky berasal dari nama Helena Blavatsky, seorang tokoh Zionis-Yahudi asal Rusia yang giat mendukung gerakan Freema-sonry. Wanita yang lahir tahun 1875, oleh pusat gerakan Zionis di Inggris, Fremasonry, diutus ke New York. Di sana ia mendirikan perhimpunan kaum Theosofi. Blavatsky dikenal sebagai propagandis utama ajaran Theosofi. Pada tahun 1853, saat perjalanannya dari Tibet ke Inggris, Madame Blavatsky pernah mampir ke Jawa (Batavia). Selama satu tahun di Batavia, ia mengajarkan Theosofi kepada para elit kolonial dan masyarakat Hindia Belanda. Sejak itu, Teosofi menjadi salah satu ajaran yang berkembang di Indonesia. Salah satu ajaran Theosofi yang utama adalah menganggap semua ajaran agama sama. Ajaran ini sangat mirip dan sebangun dengan pemahaman kaum liberal yang ada di Indonesia. Menurut cerita Ridwan Saidi, di era tahun 1950-an, di Jalan Blavatsky Boulevard pernah berdiri sebuah loge atau sinagog. Gedung itu tak lain adalah gedung Indosat. Tak heran jika perusahaan itu dikuasai oleh Singtel, sebuah perusahaan telekomunikasi Yahudi asal Singapura. Bisa jadi sekarang menjadi sinagog lagi.

Selain di Jakarta, kaum Yahudi membangun komunitas di Bandung, Yogyakarta, dan Surabaya. Khusus di Surabaya, kaum Yahudi membentuk komunitas sendiri di beberapa kawasan kota lama, seperti Bubutan dan Jalan Kayon. Di Jalan Kayon No 4, Surabaya, hingga kini berdiri sebuah sinagog, tempat peribadatan kaum Yahudi. Selama ini gerakan mereka tidak gampang terdeteksi masyarakat karena berkedok yayasan sosial dan amal.

Pada 1957, ketika hubungan antara RI-Belanda putus akibat kasus Irian Barat (Papua), tidak diketahui apakah seluruh warga Yahudi meninggalkan Indonesia. Konon, mereka masih terdapat di Indonesia meski jumlahnya tidak lagi seperti dulu. Yang pasti Yahudi dan jaringan gerakannya sudah lama menancapkan kukunya di Indonesia. Mereka ingin menaklukkan Indonesia, sebagai negeri dengan mayoritas Muslim terbesar

10 Craziest Diet Ever

From time to time we need to shed a few pounds and for most people the solution is to reduce calorie intake – eat less than you burn and you are guaranteed to lose weight. This is the principle behind the reason that the majority of French people are slim: they eat butter, cream, chocolate, and other delicious things, but in small quantities. Unfortunately there is a lot of money to be made in diets and so we are surrounded by bizarre ideas for weight loss. This list looks at ten of the strangest diets around. We have only included diets which are widely-spread; this means that individuals with bizarre eating habits are not included (they will have their own list).

10. Macrobiotic Diet

Picture 1-108

The macrobiotic diet is actually quite ancient. It involves eating grains as a staple food supplemented with other foodstuffs such as vegetables and beans, and avoiding the use of highly processed or refined foods. This is probably the least bizarre diet on the list, but it does have one noticeable quirk: some leaders in the field of macrobiotics advocate smoking for good health, claiming that it is the non-macrobiotic foods that cause cancer, not smoking. Michio Kushi, who introduced macrobiotics to the US, had surgery on his colon in 2004. His son said: “[I]n spite of years of his smoking, a fact well-known to many, recent x-rays of Michio’s lungs were surprisingly clean, like that of a twenty year old (remarked his physician)”.

9. Cabbage Soup Diet


The Cabbage soup diet is a radical weight loss diet designed around heavy consumption of a low-calorie cabbage soup over the time of seven days. The diet is actually surprisingly popular and has spawned a whole slew of similar fads. The origins of the diet are unknown but it gained popularity as a word of “faxlore” in the 1980s, because it spread virally through people sharing it via fax machines. The diet is almost universally condemned by doctors as it lacks any substantial nutrition and the weight loss it causes is mostly water-loss not fat-loss, and is, therefore, not permanent. Along with the cabbage soup recipe, the diet is usually touted as being used in hospitals to dramatically reduce weight in patients needing heart surgery; this is not true. Most people trying this diet lose energy and experience light-headedness. The most common side effect is flatulence – a lot of it.

8. Paleolithic Diet


This diet harkens back to the cavemen and their eating habits. It is based on the presumed ancient diet of wild plants and animals that various human species habitually consumed during the Paleolithic—a period of about 2.5 million years duration that ended around 10,000 years ago with the development of agriculture. Proponents of the diet say that paleolithic men were free of diseases known in modern times and, therefore, following their diet should keep us free from sickness. Centered around commonly available modern foods, the “contemporary” Paleolithic diet consists mainly of lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, roots, and nuts; and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, salt, refined sugar, and processed oils. So now, from a diet based on evolution, to a diet based on creationism:

7. Fruitarianism


Fruitarianism is a diet of nothing but fruit, though some people whose diet is not 100% fruit, consider themselves fruitarian, if their diet is 75% or more fruit. Some fruitarians believe fruitarianism was the original diet of mankind in the form of Adam and Eve based on Genesis 1:29: “And God said: Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed upon the earth, and all trees that have in themselves seed of their own kind, to be your meat”. They believe that a return to an Eden-like paradise will require simple living and a holistic approach to health and diet. A fruitarian diet can cause deficiencies in calcium, protein, iron, zinc, vitamin D, most B vitamins (especially B-12), and essential fatty acids. Additionally, the Health Promotion Program at Columbia reports that food restrictions in general may lead to hunger, cravings, food obsessions, social disruptions and social isolation. Gandhi followed a fruit-only diet from time to time, but eventually gave it up due it being unsustainable. Now, if you didn’t think that was weird enough, how about the Bible Diet?

6. Bible Diet

Jordan Rubin

The Bible Diet (or Maker’s Diet) is based on the idea that certain foods are either forbidden (“unclean”) or acceptable (“clean”) to God. The main promoter of the Bible diet is Jordan S. Rubin, who claims that the diet was responsible for his recovery from Crohn’s disease at the age of 19. In 2004 the United States Food and Drug Administration ordered Rubin’s company, Garden of Life, Inc., to stop making unsubstantiated claims about eight of its products and supplements. The diet begins and ends each day with prayers of thanksgiving, healing, and petition. The individual should perform exercises of “Life Purpose” for two to five minutes before the day gets too stressful. To achieve the utmost spiritual benefits from the partial fast days, it is suggested to pray each time hunger is experienced. The diet is broken up into three phases. Phase One restricts meats such as pork, bacon, ostrich, ham, sausages, emu and imitation meat. Fish and sea foods such as fried fish, breaded fish, eel, shark, crab, clams, oyster, mussels, lobster, shrimp, scallops, and craw fish are prohibited.

5. Shangri-La Diet


For people who love to eat, the Shangri-La diet is a godsend. Basically, you can eat what you like. The principle behind this diet is that the body has a set point (the weight that it wants to sustain) and appetite is moderated by the body to ensure that you stay at your set point. The inventor of the diet, Seth Roberts, says that you can lower your set point using his method, thereby lowering appetite and eventually weight. The method? Every day you must drink 100-400 calories of extra light olive oil or sugar water in a two hour window in which you must experience no flavors (including cigarette smoke). It is the consumption of extra flavorless calories which supposedly lowers the set point. While there are some critics of the method (which earned Roberts a spot on the New York Times bestseller list), most doctors consider that the diet, while lacking scientific evidence, is benign. [Image copyright (c) Erik Sansom: source]

4. Fletcherizing

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“Nature will castigate those who don’t masticate.” These are the words used by Horace Fletcher at the turn of the 20th century to market his new diet: Fletcherizing. In this diet, a person must chew each mouthful 32 times whilst keeping their head tilted forward. After the chewing is complete, the dieter tilts their head back, allowing the contents of their mouth to slide down the throat. Any food that did not naturally slip down, was to be spat out. In addition, Fletcher advocated chewing liquids, and said that one must not eat when angry or sad. Fletched died a millionaire at 69 – with the majority of his money having come from promoting his diet which was wildly popular.

3. Breatharianism


Breatharianism consists of eating: nothing. That’s right, it is called Breatharianism because you are surviving on nothing but your breath. There are some elements of esotericism in this diet and some of practitioners believe that they are sustained by energy from the sun or a “vital life force” called prana. The Breatharian Institute of America promote the diet and offer a workshop to help you get started for the low price of just $10,000, which, according to their website: “is not a misprint”. These courses are run by Wiley Brooks who previously charged up to 25 million dollars for his courses. Occasionally Wiley eats a cheeseburger and a diet coke claiming that when he’s surrounded by junk culture and junk food, consuming them adds balance. At least three people have died whilst on this “diet”. If you have tried this diet and are not dead yet, be sure to tell us about it in the comments.

2. Sleeping Beauty Diet


As its name implies, this diet involves sleep – a lot of it. The principle behind this diet is: “if you aren’t awake, you aren’t eating”. Consequently, advocates take heavy sedation and sleep for days at a time in orderto lose weight . Obviously the diet works but it is such an unhealthy approach to weight loss that it is insane to try it. The diet was originally formulated in the 1970s and was reportedly popular with Elvis Presley who was beginning to have difficulty bending down to tie up his blue suede shoes.

1. Tapeworm Diet


This diet is as disgusting as its name. In this diet, you eat a tapeworm in a cyst and let it grow in your body until it is fully mature. You then worm yourself and poop out the worm. Advocates of this insane diet assure people that they can lose 1 – 2 pounds per week using their method. Because it is illegal to import tapeworms into the US, some organizations run tapeworm farms in Africa and Mexico which tourists can visit to get infected “safely”. On these farms, cows are intentionally infected with tapeworm for harvesting for human consumption. This diet is alleged to work because once ingested, the worm attaches in the intestinal tract and absorbs nutrients from the food you eat.

Last Chance Diet

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This is not so much a diet as a fast, so it is added as a bonus item. Under this program, developed by Dr. Robert Linn in the 1970s, people ate nothing at all. But several times a day the fast was broken by a small drink of the concoction that Linn had invented called Prolinn. It was a liquid protein that provided fewer than 400 calories a day, consisted of ground-up and crushed animal horns, hooves, hides, tendons, bones and other slaughterhouse byproducts that were treated with artificial flavors, colors and enzymes to break them down.

Kisah Pria Yang Hidup Dengan Badan Separo

Nasib malang dialami Peng pria berusia 37 tahun asal Shuylin Cina ini mengalami tragedi kecelakaan maut, melihat kondisi tubuhnya saat kecelakaan kita tidak akan terpikir pria ini bakal tetap selamat hidup. Namun semua itu bila Tuhan yang menghendaki maka analisa dan logika manusia maupun medis pun tidak mampu meramalkan dan memvonisnya.
"peng yang hidup dengan separuh badan"
Demikianlah Peng adalah pria yang hidup dengan sisa badan tinggal separuh karena kecelakaan maut tadi yang mengharuskan bagian pinggang kebawah diamputasi. Menurut tim medis setempat mengatakan kasus Peng ini tergolong suatu yang sangat langka dan ajaib, bagaimana tidak kondisinya sangat susah dianalisa dari medis bahwa itu tetap bisa bertahan. Namun kenyataan peng tetap bertahan dan memiliki motivasi hidup yang tinggi, dan ini mungkin menurut dokter yang merawatnya kasus satu satunya di dunia.
"peng yang hidup dengan separuh badan"
Saat ini para tim medis dan ortopedi setempat tengah mengupayakan kaki buatan yang bisa membantu Peng untuk tetap bisa berjalan selayaknya manusia normal. Mereka berupaya keras mengusahakan kaki palsu yang bisa membuat Peng berjalan seperti dahulu kala ketika dia masih normal, semoga berhasil ya . Salut untuk semangatmu Peng….
"peng yang hidup dengan separuh badan"

"peng yang hidup dengan separuh badan"

"peng yang hidup dengan separuh badan"

"peng yang hidup dengan separuh badan"

"peng yang hidup dengan separuh badan"

"peng yang hidup dengan separuh badan"

Semoga kita bisa mengambil hikmah dan pelajaran dari cerita nyata Peng ini……….

Sumber: http://ruanghati.com/2009/11/25/kisah-pria-dengan-badan-tinggal-separo-karena-kecelakaan-maut-yang-masih-optimis-jalani-hidup/

Foto Meteor Perseid dari Penjuru Dunia

Sebagaimana yang dilansir melalui Science Daily, Selasa (11/8/2009) lalu, ratusan meteor akan menembus bumi pada 12 Agustus malam, atau tepatnya tadi malam. Di Indonesia meteor ini terlihat pada pagi hari jam 3 – 4.00 am. Meteor itu diberi nama meteor Perseid. Nama itu diambil karena memang meteor-meteor tersebut jatuh dari konstelasi Perseus. Namun meteor ini juga diklaim berasal dari serpihan komet Swift-Turtle yang terbentuk saat melintasi bagian dalam orbit Matahari. Indonesia termasuk yang beruntung karena dapat menyaksikan fenomena alam ini. Namun sayangnya, meteor tersebut hanya terlihat bintik-bintik putih yang tidak terlalu jelas. Berikut ini beberapa foto ’penampakan’ meteor Perseid di penjuru dunia.

Meteor Perseid terlihat di Inggris (UK), nampak hanya sekilas garis putih. Foto : Jb.man.ac.uk/Brown

Perseid di Jerman, nampak seperti gerimis garis-garis putih.

Perseid di Kansas, terlihat hanya garis putih sekilas.

Perseids di Amerika, terlihat jelas dengan garis-garis putih yang berguguran.

Sumber: http://juandry.blogspot.com/2009/11/foto-meteor-perseid-dari-penjuru-dunia.html

Jalan-Jalan Terunik dan Teraneh di Dunia

Jalan-jalan berikut ini memang aneh, bentuknya gak seperti jalan yang normal, gak percaya lihat aja..








Sumber: http://indobestseller.wordpress.com/2009/09/15/7-jalan-paling-unik-dan-aneh-di-dunia/


Kelok 44 di Danau Maninjau

Kelok 9 di perbatasan Riau-Sumbar

Presiden Soekarno di Mata Dunia (UPDATE)

Gambar Perangko Negara tetangga yang ada gambar Soekarno:

Di Negara Adidaya:

Presiden Sukarno baru tiba di bandara Washington DC, AS, pada siang hari. Didampingi oleh wakil presiden AS, Richard Nixon, Bung Karno disambut penuh oleh pasukan AS dengan 21 kali tembakan kehormatan. Bung Karno tiba di Washington dalam rangka kunjungan selama 18 hari di AS atas undangan Presiden AS, David Dwight Eisenhower (Foto: 16 Mei 1956).
Kalo sekarang SBY ke amrik diperlakukan kayak gini ga ya??

Presiden Sukarno dan Presiden AS, Kennedy, duduk bersama di dalam mobil terbuka, sedang melewati pasukan kehormatan di pangkalan Angkatan Udara AS, MD. Bung Karno datang ke AS dalam rangka pembicaraan masalah insiden Kuba (Foto: 24 April 1961).

Bersama Mantan negara penjajah

Presiden Sukarno menjadi tamu kehormatan Kaisar Jepang, Hirohito, dan pangeran Akihito. Bung Karno dijamu makan siang di istana kekaisaran Jepang di Tokyo (Foto: 3 Pebruari 1958).

Menjadi cover majalah TIMES tahun 1946

Go International

Presiden Sukarno berdiri berdampingan dengan 4 pemimpin negara Non Blok setelah mereka selesai mengadakan pertemuan. Dari kiri kekanan : Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (Perdana Menteri India), Kwame Nkrumah (Presiden Ghana), Gamal Abdul Nasser (Presiden Mesir), Bung Karno, dan Tito (Presiden Yugoslavia). Kelima pemimpin negara non blok ini mengadakan pertemuan yang menghasilkan seruan kepada Presiden AS, Eisenhower (Presiden AS) dan Perdana Menteri “Uni Soviet”/Rusia, Nikita Khruschev, agar mereka melakukan perundingan diplomasi kembali (Foto: 29 September 1960).

Presiden Sukarno bersama Perdana Menteri Perancis, Pompidou (Foto: 1965).

Presiden Sukarno sedang bercakap-cakap dengan Presiden Kuba, Osvaldo Dorticos Torrado (kiri), dan Perdana Menteri Kuba, Fidel Castro (kanan) di Havana, Kuba (Foto: 9 Mei 1960).

Presiden Sukarno tiba di bandara Karachi, Pakistan. Didampingi oleh Presiden Pakistan, Iskander Ali Mirza, Bung Karno tampak sedang memberi hormat, diapit oleh bendera Indonesia dan bendera Pakistan (Foto: 25 Januari 1958).

Sumber: http://juandry.blogspot.com/2009/11/soekarno-di-dunia-internasional.html


President Sukarno Saying Goodbye to His Daughters
Surrounded by citizens of Jakarta, President Sukarno kisses his youngest daughter, Sukmawati, goodbye while his other daughters, Rachmawati (center) and Megawati (left), wait their turn. The Indonesian President was leaving for a three-week vacation in Tokyo.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: November 19, 1962
hehehe...pulangnya soekarno malah bawa ibu tiri buat anak-anaknya...ratna sari dewi

Indonesian President Achmad Sukarno Calming down Protesters
Original caption: Indonesian President Achmad Sukarno, shown here speaking to a crowd in September of 1950, was reported trying to calm thousands of angry demonstrators near the presidential palace in Jakarta, October17. An artilery battery was brought into position outside the palace as president Sukarno talked to the crowd which had formed to demand the dissolution of Parliament and general elections. Pres. Sukarno told the throng that he did not want to become a dictator and that he would arrange for elections as soon as possible.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: October 17, 1952

President Sukarno Addressing May Day Rally
Original caption: 5/7/1965-Djakarta, Indonesia- President Sukarno of Indonesia addresses a mass May Day rally in the Sports Hall Building. Sukarno announced his decision not to attend a peace conference with Malaysian Prime Minister Rahman in Tokyo. The announcement was viewed as a victory for Indonesia's powerful Communist Party. Posters above the silent crowd stress the unity of the working classes in their struggle to overcome "imperialism."
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 7, 1965

Leaders of the Non-Aligned Nations
Original caption: 9/29/60-Yugoslavia- 5 top neutralist countries called upon Pres. Dwight Eisenhower & Premier Nikita Khrushcev to resume their personal diplomacy with a face to face conference. The move resulted from a "neutralist summit conference" late sept. 29. Shown here at the end of the conference are (L to R) PM Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru of India, Pres. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Pres. Gamal Abdel Nasser of United Arab Rep., Pres. Sukarno of Indonesia, & Pres. Tito of Yugoslavia.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: September 29, 1960

Sukarno Inspects Troops
President Sukarno, the first leader of Indonesia after it became a republic in 1945, inspects his troops.
Image: © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS
Date Photographed: October 1965

Portrait of Ellsworth Bunker, Howard P. Jones and President Sukarno
Original caption: U.S. Special Envoy Ellsworth Bunker, right, and Ambassador Howard P. Jones, center, chatting with Indonesian President Sukarno April 6, 1965, at the Presidential Palace in Djakarta. The Americans met with Indonesian officials in efforts to stop the "decline" of U.S. Indonesian relations.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 6, 1965

Indonesian President Sukarno
Indonesian President Sukarno was taken prisoner by Dutch troops in an attempt to retain control of Indonesia.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: ca. 1945-1949

Richard Nixon Speaking with Achmed Sukarno
Original caption: Visiting president chats with "veep." Washington, D.C.: President Achmed Sukarno of Indonesia, currently on an 18 day official visit to the United States, is shown (left) chatting with Vice President Richard Nixon shortly before a capitol luncheon given in his honor by Mr. Nixon yesterday. The visiting chief of state also addressed a joint session of Congress yesterday, an honor accorded only to leaders of key nations.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Photographer: Al Muto
Date Photographed: May 18, 1956

Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke and President Sukarno
Japanese Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke (L) greets Indonesian President Sukarno during a state visit in Tokyo, Japan.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: 1958

Sukarno Achmed Speaking at Podium
Original caption: President Sukarno of Indonesia is shown here delivering his speech to the United Nations.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: October 2, 1960

Marilyn Monroe Standing with President Sukarno
Original caption: Indonesia's President Sukarno is shown chatting with actress Marilyn Monroe during a party given by Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Logan at a Beverly Hills Hotel last Tuesday night. The party was given in honor of Logan's brother-in-law, Marshall Noble, who is traveling with the 62 members of the Indonesian visiting group. Sukarno had expressed a desire to meet Miss Monroe, who he said is one of the favorite actresses in his country.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Photographer: George Snow
Date Photographed: June 1956

Kennedy and Johnson with Indonesia's Sukarno 1961
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 25, 1961

Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke and President Sukarno
Japanese Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke (L) greets Indonesian President Sukarno during a state visit in Tokyo, Japan.

Indonesian President Achmad Sukarno
President of Indonesia, Achmad Sukarno, in 1949.
Image: © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS
Photographer: Bert Hardy
Date Photographed: April 1949

Indonesian President Achmad Sukarno
Achmad Sukarno, President of Indonesia and Hafi Salim (maksudnya Haji Agus Salim kali yak?), Socialist Foreign Minister, in 1949.
Image: © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS
Photographer: Bert Hardy
Date Photographed: April 1949

Boy Riding in Bumper Car -- (ngga taunya si Guntur aka Mas Tok)
Original caption: Glen Echo, Maryland: son Of Visiting President Samples American Fun. Mohammed Guntur, 12-year-old son of visiting Indonesian President Achmed Sukarno, is shown having fun at the wheel of a "Dodgem" car at the Glen Echo Amusement Park. The boy was taken to the park by Mrs. Richard Nixon, wife of the Vice President, and her daughters, Julie and Patricia.

Chou En-lai and Sukarno Ride in Boat
Original caption: 7/6/1965-Cairo, Egypt- Cruising up the Nile River, Communist China's Premier Chou En-Lai (l) looks at the sights while his companion, President Sukarno of Indonesia checks the time. Both men were in Egypt awaiting the opening of the Afro-Asian Conference, which was to be held in Algiers. Chou stayed on in the Egyptian capital after the conference was postponed.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: July 6, 1965

Sukarno at Disneyland
Original caption: 6/4/1956-Anaheim, California- Dr. Achmed Sukarno, President of Indonesia, now touring the US, is shown with his son, Guntur, 12, riding behind "Dumbo," one of the fabulous residents of Disneyland, during their visit to the famous playground at Anaheim. Dr. Sukarno seemed to enjoy the tour almost as much as his enthusiastic son.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: June 4, 1956

Dr. Sukarno Chats With Mao Tse-Tung
Original caption: 11/24/1956-Peiping, China: President Dr. Sukarno of Indonesia, left, is seen chatting with Chairman Mao Tse-Tung of the People's Republic of China (Communist) during a banquet here given by the chairman of the Red China in honor of the Indonesian President.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: November 24, 1956

Sukarno W/Nikita Khrushchev
Original caption: 10/6/1960-New York, NY- Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev (L) stands silently by, as President Sukarno of Indonesia speaks to newsmen outside the Soviet U.N. delegation headquarters. Sukarno spoke to reporters after a 40-minute meeting with the Soviet Premier. Before his departure from the U.S., Sukarno issued a gloomy statement saying the session had accomplished very little.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: October 6, 1960

President and Mrs. Eisenhower and Achmed Sukarno
Original caption: 5/19/1956-Washington, D.C.- President and Mrs. Eisenhower are greeted by President Achmed Sukarno of Indonesia as they arrived at the Mayflower Hotel for a dinner given by President Sukarno in their honor. Speaking at the dinner, President Eisenhower said that Dr. Sukarno has given the US a "new thought, feeling and conception of freedom." In a toast to Mr. Eisenhower, President Sukarno said: "From what I have seen, this is a country of democracy and freedom.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 19, 1956

Presidents Kennedy and Sukarno
Original caption: 4/24/1961- andres Air Force Base, MD: Sukarno Here For Talks: President Kenendy and Indonesian President Sukarno are shown in back of limousine following the latter's arrival here today. Sukarno is here for talks which may provide a gauge of U.S. prestige in the wake of the Cuban incident.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 24, 1961

President Sukarno of Bativia
Original caption: 10/29/1945-Bativia, Java: Dr. Soekarno, President of the self proclaimed Indonesian republic, Who was rushed from Batavia to Soerabaja in effort to halt fighting between indonesian nationalists and British Indian Forces. The Nationalist, said to be using armoured cars and light tanks taken from the Japs, killed an estimated 25 of the British troops before Soekarno was able to effect a truce.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS

Khrushchev and Sukarno Greeting
Original caption: 10/3/1960-New York, NY-Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and Indonesian President Achmed Sukarno (r) greet each other warmly at the Indonesian reception held October 3. at the Waldorf-Astoria. Khrushchev had a busy evening attending three receptions in one night. The Soviet Premier also dropped in on the Ethiopian and Bulgarian receptions and was in a merry mood answering reporters questions at these social events for United Nations delegates.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: October 3, 1960

Mobido Keita with John F. Kennedy and Sukarno (bareng ibu megwati mwahahahaha)
Indonesian President Sukarno gives the "OK" sign to President John Kennedy. At left is Mali's President Mobido. The two emissaries from the Belgrade conference have arrived to discuss averting World War III.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: September 12, 1961

Achmed Sukarno Delivering a Speech
Original caption: Washington, D.C.: Indonesian president Sukarno, speaking at a national press club luncheon today, warned that failure to end colonialism in Asia and Africa will mean the disruption of the United Nations and other world organizations.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Photographer: Doug Chevalier
Date Photographed: May 18, 1956

Achmed Sukarno Shaking Hands with Dag Hammarskjold
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 24, 1956

Portrait of Achmed Sukarno
Original caption: Washington, D.C.: President Eisenhower explains the mechanics of television to President Sukarno of Indonesia as they arrived at the White House radio and television room where President Eisenhower was scheduled to make a closed circuit television address.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Photographer: Jim Mahan
Date Photographed: May 16, 1956

Indonesian President and Ministers
Original caption: General views of Indonesia President President Sukarno with other ministers.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 15, 1966

Sukarno with Japanese Royalty (ketemu 'sodara tua'- akihito masih imut)
Original caption: Sukarno Guest of Japanese Emperor. Tokyo, Japan: President Achmed Sukarno (center) of Indonesia with Emperor Hirohito of Japan (left) and Crown Prince Akihito when Sukarno was guest of the emperor at luncheon in the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. The Indonesian president is on a tour of "rest" from his presidential duties. He is being given the red carpet treatment in Japan amid rumors that he is an unofficial link for Afro-Asian leaders who want the US and Russia to get together in another summit conference. February 3, 1958.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Photographer: Ichiro Fujimura
Date Photographed: February 3, 1958

ndonesian President Sukarno at Podium
Original caption: United Nations, New York: Helpful. President Sukarno of Indonesia speaks before the United Nations General assembly, Sept. 30th. His military aide, Lt. Col. Sabur (Left), retrieved each page as the President finished reading it. Sukarno urged the General Assembly to seek a new permanent home for the United Nations in Geneva or in some Asian or African country.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: September 30, 1960

John Kennedy Inspecting Soldiers
Original caption: Sukarno inspects honor guard. andres Air Force Base, Md.: Indonesian President Sukarno (right) inspects the honor guard following his arrival here today for talks with President Kennedy. Trooping the line with him are President Kennedy and Lieutenant Colonel Charles P. Murray Jr., commander of the troops.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 24, 1961

Robert and Ethel Kennedy Sitting With Indonesian Leader
Original caption: U. S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy, (L), and his wife visit with Indonesian president Sukarno here. The Kennedy's lunched with Sukarno on this "courtesy call" visit. The president's brother and Sukarno are expected to discuss the Dutch Indonesian dispute and other issues involving Indonesia during informal talks later during the attorney General's six day visit to the island.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: February 13, 1962

President Kennedy Greets President Sukarno
Original caption: Sukarno Arrives For Working Lunch. Washington: Indonesian President Sukarno is greeted by President Kennedy on the North Portico of the White House as the former arrives today for a working lunch with the U.S. Chief Executive, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Indonesian Foreign Minister Subandrio. Kennedy and Sukarno had met for an hour and a half earlier this morning at the White House.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April ?

Achmed Sukarno Waving
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 24, 1956
Location Information: New York, New York, USA

Achmed Sukarno Waving from His Limousine
Original caption: Asian leader responds to capital welcome. Washington, D.C.: President Sukarno of Indonesia waves from his open limousine in response to greeting accorded him yesterday on his arrival in Washington for an 18 day official state visit. Dr. Sukarno, leader of the world's third largest republic, which has remained neutral in the East-West Cold War, is staying at Blair House as guest of President Eisenhower. The Asian leader expressed the hope that his visit will "lead to real friendship between the U.S. and Indonesia."
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 17, 1956

President Sukarno at Microphone
Original caption: Indonesian President Greeted. Washington, DC: Upon arrival at the Washinton Airport, May 16, President Sukarno of Indonesia (extreme right) inspects the Honor Guard, accompanied by Vice President Nixon (extreme left) and Major James L. Williams (center), Commander of the Combined Armed Forces Honor Guard.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 16, 1956

Portrait of Achmed Sukarno
Original caption: Leaving past glories behind, Indonesia's former leader Sukarno now lives quietly isolated from his people. Sukarno, who at one time traveled extensively and who boasted of four wives, is not allowed now to travel inside or outside Indonesia without permission and can only see on of his wives. At age 67, Sukarno is now truly in the September of his years, as he appears in his underwear.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: June 30, 1967

Portrait of Dr Achmed Sukarno Photo yang terkenal nihh....
Original caption: This is the latest official portrait of Dr. Achmed Soekarno, the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: January 19, 1956

President Kennedy and Indonesia's President Sukarno riding in an open car past a row of soldiers.
Image: © CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 24, 1961

U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) meets with Sukarno (1901-1970), the first President of Indonesia after the country gained its independence from the Dutch in 1945. Washington, D.C.
Image: © CORBIS
Date Photographed: ca. 1953-1961

Eisenhower Confers with Sukarno in Meeting
Original caption: 10/6/1960-Washington, DC- President Eisenhower and Indonesian President Achmed Sukarno confer as they are about to rise for a final pose following their conference at the White House. Sukarno, one of the five neutralist leaders who sponsored a resolution in the U.N. proposing an Eisenhower-Khrushchev meeting, said afterwards that he still believes the two top leaders should meet. In the background is the acting Secretary of State, Douglas Dillon.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: October 6, 1960
Location Information: Washington, DC, USA

Nixon Greets President Sukarno
Original caption: 5/16/1956-Washington, DC-: Indonesia's President Achmed Sukarno is escorted by Vice President Richard Nixon as the visiting Chief of State received full military honors and a 21-gun salute on his arrival at Washington National Airport at noon.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 16, 1956
Location Information: Washington, DC, USA

President Sukarno with Osvaldo Dorticos & Fidel Castro (castro masih muda ya...sekarang lagi sakit...awet amat ini orang!)
Original caption: 5/9/1960-Havana, Cuba- Indonesian President Sukarno (C) chats with Cuban President Osvaldo Dorticos (L) and Premier Fidel Castro (R). The Indonesian president was beginning a state visit to Cuba.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 9, 1960
Location Information: Havana, Cuba

Soldiers at President Sukarno's Funeral
Original caption: 6/22/1970-Blitar, East Java- Former Indonesian President Sukarno is buried with full military honors in the family cemetery at his birthplace. Sukarno, who served as president from 1945 to 1967, died early June 21st at the age of 69.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: June 22, 1970
Location Information: Blitar, East Java

Portrait of Sukarno
Original caption: Closeup of Sukarno at Merdeka Palace, when he announced a new six man presidium.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: March 27, 1966

Madame Pandit and President Soekarno Listening to an Anthem
Original caption: Madame Vijayal Laksimi Pandit of India (second from right), president of the United Nations General Assembly, stands beside President Achmed Soekarno of Indonesia, who salutes while the band plays the Indonesian national anthem. The ceremony took place at a welcoming reception for Mme. Pandit, who is touring the country. itu ibu fatmawati lagi hamil ya.... siapa ya guruh kali ya? tahun 54 nih.....
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: September 12, 1954
Location Information: Bandung, Indonesia

Sukarno and Family (wartawan sampe ngga tau nama fatmawati...tapi his wife....)
Original caption: 3/11/1946-Batavia, Java, Indonesia- Dr. I.R. Sukarno, Nationalist leader and President of the Indonesian government, with his wife and son, Guntur, shown at their home. The eyes of the entire world are on this man, who, although he was in power during the Japanese occupation, has managed to retain his authority. The peace and prosperity of 80,000,000 Indonesians depend on his decisions.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: March 11, 1946
Location Information: Jakarta, Java, Indonesia

Achmed Sukarno Receiving an Honorary Hood
Original caption: Indonesian president honored at Columbia. New York, New York: Indonesian president Sukarno is shown being invested by Dean Harry J. Carman of Columbia with the hood of the degree of Doctor of Laws in ceremonies at the university today. L. to R.: Dean Carman; Dr. Sukarno and Dr. Grayson Kirk, president of Columbia. Dr. Kirk introduced the first president of the Southeast Asia republic as "a political pioneer of a great frontier of today and tomorrow."
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 24, 1956
Location Information: New York, New York, USA

President Eisenhower with Achmed Sukarno
Original caption: Washington, D.C.: President Eisenhower explains the mechanics of television to President Sukarno of Indonesia as they arrived at the White House radio and television room where President Eisenhower was scheduled to make a closed circuit television address.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Photographer: Jim Mahan
Date Photographed: May 16, 1956
Location Information: Washington, DC, USA

Robert F. Kennedy Talking With Achmed Sukarno
Original caption: General Robert F. Kennedy, (L), shares a laugh with Indonesian President Sukarno, as they discuss the Malaysia situation here. The Attorney General and Sukarno reached an agreement that the Malaysia crisis, which threatened the peace in southeast Asia, by agreeing that it should be solved by consultation.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: January 12, 1961
Location Information: Tokyo, Honshu, Japan

Chiefs of Neutral Nations
Original caption: Summit meeting of neutrals. Belgrade, Yugoslavia: The chiefs of the neutral nations meeting here, Sept. 5th, pose for this group photo. Shown (left to right) are: Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia; Saeb Salaam of Lebanon; President Adan Abdullah Osman of the Republic of Somali; Lieutenant General Ibrahim Abboud of Sudan; Sheik Sowayel of Saudi Arabia; King Hassan of Morocco; Marshal Josip Tito of Yugoslavia; Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike, prime minister of Ceylon; President Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia; President Achmad Sukarno of Indonesia; President Oswaldo Dorticos of Cuba; President Kwame Nkrumak of Ghana; President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United Arab Republic; Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia; Prime Minister Mohammed Daud of Afghanistan; President Modibo Keita of Mali; and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India. The conference of nonaligned nations e
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: September 5, 1961
Location Information: Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Jean Simmons and Husband Listen To Sukarno
Original caption: 4/11/1962-Bogor, Indonesia- Film star Jean Simmons and her husband, writer-director Richard Brooks (r), listen attentively to Indonesia's President Sukarno as he talks with them outside Bogor Palace. The actress and hubby are traveling through the islands of Indonesia looking for a film locale for the Conrad novel "Lord Jim."
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 11, 1962
Location Information: Bogor, Indonesia

President Eisenhower and President Sukarno
U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) meets with Sukarno (1901-1970), the first President of Indonesia after the country gained its independence from the Dutch in 1945. Washington, D.C.
Image: © CORBIS
Date Photographed: ca. 1953-1961
Location Information: Washington, DC, USA

First Indonesian Cabinet Meeting
Original caption: 8/4/1966-Jakarta, Indonesia- Members of the new Indonesian cabinet, formed July 25th, await the start of their first meeting at Freedom Palace. From left are: Chairman of the Presidium General Suharto; President Sukarno; Senior Minister of Economics and Finance S.H. Buwono IX; and Senior Minister of Politics A. Malik.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: August 4, 1966
Location Information: Jakarta, Indonesia

President Sukarno with President Eisenhower
Original caption: 5/16/1956-Washington, D.C.- President Sukarno of Indonesia (L) sits with President Eisenhower during a closed-circuit television broadcast in connection with the dedication of a new General Motors technical center in Detroit.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 16, 1956
Location Information: Washington, DC, USA

A. Nasser and A. Sukarno Toast with J. Nehru
Original caption: 9/29/1960-New York, NY- United Arab Republic President GAmal Abdel Nasser (L) and Indonesian President Achmed Sukarno (C) clink glasses with their host, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, at a reception at India House. The glasses contain fruit punch.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: September 29, 1960
Location Information: New York, New York, USA

Pakistani and Indonesian Leaders Saluting at Welcoming Ceremony
Original caption: President Achmed Soekarno, (L) who is taking a rest from the cares of the office, is shown taking the salute at the airport on his arrival at Karachi. Standing beside the Indonesian President is President Iskander Mirza of Pakistan. They are flanked by Indonesian and Pakistan flags.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: January 25, 1958
Location Information: Karachi, Pakistan

President Sukarno of Indonesia with French Premier
Pompidou of France.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: 1965

Update Gambar

President Soekarno At Moslem Ceremonies
Indonesian President, a devout Moslem, addresses a crowd of 5,000 worshippers at Hari Raya Hadji Sunrise ceremonies at Soekabumi. He urged all Moslems to resist terrorist activities of the fanatical "Darul Islam" guerillas. "Good Moslems," said Soekarno, "do not kill, rape, and burn houses of their fellow men."
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: October 20, 1952
Location Information: Soekabumi, West Java

Delegates Sign a Constitution Draft of the United States of Indonesia
Original caption: At a round-table conference which took place in the Hall of Knights at the Hague, delegates from Holland, Indonesia and the United Nations signed a resolution agreeing to a draft constitution for a United States of Indonesia. At the left is J.H. Maarseveen, the Dutch Minister; and second from right is Mohammed Hatta, the Chairman of the Indonesian Delegation, during the signing ceremony. Others seated are representatives of the two governments.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Collection: Bettmann
Standard RM
Date Photographed: November 7, 1949
Location Information: The Hague, Netherlands

Mohammed Hatta
Dr. Mohammed Hatta the Prime Minister of Indonesia (1902-1980).
Image: © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS
Collection: Historical
Standard RM
Date Photographed: 1949
Location Information: Indonesia

OOT nih.....

Madame Sukarno Having Hair Done...cakep ya sampe bikin BK klepek-klepek...
Original caption: 7/6/1965-London, England- Having her hair put back in place by the helping hand of a friend, Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno smiles as she arrives in London. The Japanese-born beauty is the Indonesian President Sukarno's "wife number three," in his harem of four wives. Although relations between Indonesia and the British Commonwealth are strained, Madame Sukarno received an official welcome from the British Foreign Office.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: July 6, 1965
Location Information: London, England

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